Tibetan Texts on the Cult of Vajravārāhī from Karakhoto

02 February 2023 - Alexander Zorin (Jerusalem)
Tibetan Texts on the Cult of Vajravārāhī from Karakhoto
online guest lecture at the BuddhistRoad project, CERES, Ruhr University Bochum
As was shown by Kirill Solonin, the cult of Vajravārāhī, a wrathful female yidam deity, belonged to one of the major stems of Esoteric Buddhist. It was natural to assume that Tibetan influence played important role in regard of this cult but until recently, no Tibetan texts of this kind were identified. However, it became possible only after 2017, when the P.K. Kozlov collection of Tibetan texts from Karakhoto kept at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, the Russian Academy of Sciences, became an object of the thorough analysis and cataloguing. A number of fragments that deal with Vajravārāhī were identified and a sample taken from the item ХТ-177 (Kh. Tib. 177) was published. In his lecture, Zorin is going to discuss all the relevant ritual texts identified in St. Petersburg, trying to reconstruct the features of the Tibetan cult of Vajravārāhī as it was known to Tanguts in Karakhoto.