Newly Discovered Old Uyghur Manuscripts: Practice and Rituals of the Uyghur Buddhists

17 May 2023 - Ma Fu (Beijing)
Newly Discovered Old Uyghur Manuscripts: Practice and Rituals of the Uyghur Buddhists
online guest lecture at the BuddhistRoad project, CERES, Ruhr University Bochum
Due to the lack of literary records, both the private religious practices and the public rituals of the Uighur Buddhist communities can mainly be traced in unearthed manuscripts. Recent excavations in important Buddhist sites in Turfan such as Tuyuq have brought about significant new material on the everyday life of Buddhist monks and practitioners of the Old Uighur time. Practice and ritual texts in Old Uighur have also been re-discovered in public and private collections in China these days, revealing various aspects of the religious life of the Old Uighur Buddhists in their homeland and in China proper.