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BuddhistRoad 讲座
2023-01-11: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
2022-11-23: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
生命周期: 敦煌历法, 节日和死亡
2022-10-26: Yi Allan Ding (Chicago)
Feasting with a Maṇḍala: Gaṇacakra-Related Texts from Dunhuang and Their Significance
2022-10-19: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
2022-09-28: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
人与神的联系: 敦煌的宗教生活
2022-06-29: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
2022-06-15: Gábor Kósa (Budapest)
The Refined Art of Manichaean Upāya: How Chinese Manichaeans Used Buddhism for Their Own Purposes
2022-05-25: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
2022-01-14: Cuilan Liu (Pittsburgh, PA)
Law and Slavery on the Silk Road: How Did Buddhist Monks and Nuns Participate in the Slave Trade?
2021-12-16: Constantino Moretti (Paris)
'Pièges à copistes' and Layout Variants in Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscripts
2021-12-09: Chung-pui Tai (Hong Kong)
Vajravārāhī in Tangut Buddhist Manuscript
2021-11-25: Cécile Ducher (Paris)
The Ngok Lineage: The Little-known Successors of Marpa Lotsaba’s (1000?–1081?, Tib. Mar pa lo tsā ba) and their Influence in Central and Eastern Tibet during the Early Second Millennium
2021-11-11: David Pritzker (Chicago)
Cavel Mural of Western Tibet
2021-11-10: Johan Elverskog (Berlin / Dallas, TX)
Why did the Uyghurs become Buddhist?
2021-10-28: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
Dunhuang Caves and the Aesthetics of Scale
2021-07-22: Yi Allan Ding (Chicago)
Reconciling the Irreconcilable? Revisiting the Dunwu dasheng zhengli jue 頓悟大乘正理决 [The Judgement on Sudden Awakening Being the True Principle of Mahāyāna] and the Samyé Debate in the 8th Century
2021-07-08: Charles DiSimone (Ghent)
Reading Too Closely: Observations on Manuscript Copying and Production in Gilgit and Greater Gandhāra
2021-06-10: Zhouyang Ma (Cambridge, MA)
Introduction to Speculative Thinking: An Unidentified Work in Tangut Translation of Maja Jangchup Tsöndrü (d. 1185, Tib. rMa bya Byangchub brtson 'grus)?
2021-04-22: Emanuela Garatti (Paris)
Mythical and Historical Discrepancies: Mythical and Historical Discrepancies: Chinese Princess Wencheng and the Princess of Jincheng as Presented in Old and Classical Tibetan and Chinese Sources
2021-02-26: Imre Galambos (Cambridge)
Moving out of the Tibetan Period: Stein Painting 3 from Dunhuang
2020-10-13: Channa Li (Vienna)
Toward building a Typology of Chos Grub's Calligraphy: Palaeographical Studies of the Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts Wirtten in the Monastic Style
2020-06-02: Henrik Hjort Sørensen (CERES/BuddhistRoad)
Dunhuang as Sacred Space: On the History and Formation of a Major Religious Site in the Eastern Central Asia
2020-04-23: Lewis Doney (Trondheim)
Localising Tibetan Buddhism in Dunhuang
2018-10-23: Ruixuan Chen (Heidelberg)
Inside Out: The Story of a Pair of Wooden Book Covers from Ancient Khotan
2018-10-09: Haoran Hou (Leipzig)
A Glimpse into the Fire Offerings in the Tangut State: Homa Ritual in Text, Image, and Practice,
2018-06-26: Yukata Yoshida (Kyoto)
Some Problems Surrounding Sogdian Tantric Texts
2022-05-25: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
Chinese Dunhuang Studies in the 21st Century: The Lay of the Land
2022-06-15: Gábor Kósa (Budapest)
The Refined Art of Manichaean Upāya: How Chinese Manichaeans Used Buddhism for Their Own Purposes
2022-10-26: Yi Allan Ding (Chicago)
Feasting with a Maṇḍala: Gaṇacakra-Related Texts from Dunhuang and Their Significance
2022-01-14: Cuilan Liu (Pittsburgh, PA)
Law and Slavery on the Silk Road: How Did Buddhist Monks and Nuns Participate in the Slave Trade?
2021-12-16: Constantino Moretti (Paris)
'Pièges à copistes' and Layout Variants in Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscripts
2021-12-09: Chung-pui Tai (Hong Kong)
Vajravārāhī in Tangut Buddhist Manuscript
2021-11-25: Cécile Ducher (Paris)
The Ngok Lineage: The Little-known Successors of Marpa Lotsaba’s (1000?–1081?, Tib. Mar pa lo tsā ba) and their Influence in Central and Eastern Tibet during the Early Second Millennium
2021-11-11: David Pritzker (Chicago)
Cavel Mural of Western Tibet
2021-11-10: Johan Elverskog (Berlin / Dallas, TX)
Why did the Uyghurs become Buddhist?
2021-10-28: Neil Schmid (Dunhuang)
Dunhuang Caves and the Aesthetics of Scale
2021-07-22: Yi Allan Ding (Chicago)
Reconciling the Irreconcilable? Revisiting the Dunwu dasheng zhengli jue 頓悟大乘正理决 [The Judgement on Sudden Awakening Being the True Principle of Mahāyāna] and the Samyé Debate in the 8th Century
2021-07-08: Charles DiSimone (Ghent)
Reading Too Closely: Observations on Manuscript Copying and Production in Gilgit and Greater Gandhāra
2021-06-10: Zhouyang Ma (Cambridge, MA)
Introduction to Speculative Thinking: An Unidentified Work in Tangut Translation of Maja Jangchup Tsöndrü (d. 1185, Tib. rMa bya Byangchub brtson 'grus)?
2021-04-22: Emanuela Garatti (Paris)
Mythical and Historical Discrepancies: Mythical and Historical Discrepancies: Chinese Princess Wencheng and the Princess of Jincheng as Presented in Old and Classical Tibetan and Chinese Sources
2021-02-26: Imre Galambos (Cambridge)
Moving out of the Tibetan Period: Stein Painting 3 from Dunhuang
2020-10-13: Channa Li (Vienna)
Toward building a Typology of Chos Grub's Calligraphy: Palaeographical Studies of the Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscripts Wirtten in the Monastic Style
2020-04-23: Lewis Doney (Trondheim)
Localising Tibetan Buddhism in Dunhuang
2018-10-23: Ruixuan Chen (Heidelberg)
Inside Out: The Story of a Pair of Wooden Book Covers from Ancient Khotan
2018-10-09: Haoran Hou (Leipzig)
A Glimpse into the Fire Offerings in the Tangut State: Homa Ritual in Text, Image, and Practice,
2018-06-26: Yukata Yoshida (Kyoto)
Some Problems Surrounding Sogdian Tantric Texts