Prof. Dr. Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia is no longer a member of BuddhistRoad. The information given on this page may therefore be outdated.

Prof. Dr. Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia

KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2012

KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2012
Department of History, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA

Ronnie Po-chia Hsia joined the Department of History and Religious Studies at Pennsylvania State University as Full Professor of History in 2001. Prior to this, he was Professor of History at New York University from 1990 to 2001. Ronnie Po-chia received numerous international grants and fellowships. On top of this, he worked as a distinguished Visiting Professor of History at the National Chendchi University in Taiwan and at Fudan University and Nanjing University in China.

Ronnie Po-chia Hsia’s field of expertise is the history of the Protestant reformation and the Catholic renewal as well as the history of anti-Semitism and the encounter between Europe and Asia. Thus, in his current book project, which is preliminary titled Translating Christianity: China and the Catholic Missions 1584-1780, Ronnie Po-chia Hsia investigates  the history of cultural encounter between the counter-reformation in Europe and the Ming and Qing empires. During his stay in Bochum he will investigate the Catholic missions in the early modern world. He is the author of A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci 1553-1610 (Oxford University Press, 2010).


KHK Fellowship

Duration: June 2012 - July 2012
Project: Catholic Missions in the Early Modern World

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