Dr. des. Cornelius Vollmer is no longer a member of BuddhistRoad. The information given on this page may therefore be outdated.

Dr. des. Cornelius Vollmer

KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2011

KHK Visiting Research Fellow 2011, Postgraduate Researcher, Eberhard-Karls-University Tubingen, Germany

Cornelius Vollmer has recently finished his doctoral studies at the Institute of Classical Archaeology in Tubingen with a thesis on the iconography of the Empty Throne. Prior to that, he studied classical archaeology, ancient and art history as well as Protestant theology at the University of Tubingen. He received research grants from the State of Baden Württemberg, the DAAD and the Gerda Henkel Foundation.

Cornelius Vollmer collaborated under the supervision of Professor Drecoll on a new critical edition of the late writings of Augustine from 2006 to 2009. During his research project at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg he will deal with the question, if sacral kingship has been an antitype to the ancient mystery cults.


Ph.D., Classical Archeology, Tubingen, Germany, 2011

M.A., Classical Archeology, Ancient History, Art History, Tubingen, Germany, 2005

KHK Fellowship

Duration: January 2012 - December 2012
Project: The sacral kingship as an antetype to the ancient mystery cults